A conferência “Cancer Biology: From Basic To Translational Research” pretende reunir investigadores nacionais e internacionais de oncologia básica e clínica de forma a apresentar os resultados mais promissores na área de oncologia que poderão ter impacto clínico. Assim serão abordadas diferentes temáticas da complexidade tumoral (genética, biomarcadores, microambiente tumoral, metabolismo tumoral, e novos potenciais alvos terapêuticos) bem como a aplicação do conhecimento na melhoria do diagnóstico ou no tratamento dos doentes oncológicos. Será também uma excelente oportunidade para discutir ideias, resultados e fomentar as colaborações científica.
Destinatários: Investigadores (Médicos, Biólogos, Farmacêuticos, Químicos, Físicos, Engenheiros, Enfermeiros)
Cancer Biology: From Basic To Translational Research” aims to get together national and international researchers in basic and clinical oncology to present the most promising results that might have a clinical impact in the oncology field. Different thematics of tumor complexity (genetics, biomarkers, tumor microenvironment, tumor metabolism, and new potential therapeutic targets) will be addressed, as well as the application of knowledge to improve the diagnosis or treatments of cancer patients. It will also be an excellent opportunity to discuss ideas and results.
Aimed for: Researchers (Doctors, Biologists, Pharmacists, Chemists, Physicians, Engineers, Nurses)
Painel / Panel 1 - Cancer Genetics and BioinformaticOrador / Speaker - Pedro Ferreira
Painel / Panel 2 - Tumor Microenvironment
Orador / Speaker - Massimiliano Mazzone
Painel / Panel 3 - Cancer Metabolism
Orador / Speaker - Johan Swinnen
Painel / Panel 4 - Cancer Biomarkers and New Therapies
Orador / Speaker - Klaus Pantel
Orador / Speaker - Noel Miranda
Contactos / Contacts:
Secretariado / Registration Office - | (+351) 217 264 099
The Book of Abstracts (featuring this Webinar’s Program, summary of speaker’s lectures and papers selected for presentation / poster) is here made available for printing or download.
We hope this digital event is fruitful in terms of sharing of ideas and outcomes and can foster scientific cooperation.