Webinar: The potential for academic development of medicines in Europe
29 March 2023, 15:00-16:30 CET, Online
Registration open: 13 March 2023
Both medical and technological developments have led to the increased provision of cancer medicines on the market, making it possible for cancer patients to live longer with a better quality of life. However, currently, the only way to bring innovative therapies to patients is via a commercial route, with extremely high prices.
With this event, ECL wants to shine a light on the role that academia can play in the development and availability of innovative cell and gene therapies. ECL will also engage panellists representing EU institutions, the European Medicines Agency, health technology assessment bodies, patient representatives, and researchers in a discussion on the main bottlenecks that hinder such pathway of medicines development and how to overcome them.
Academic development of medicines in Europe (Associação das Ligas Europeias Contra o Cancro)
The Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) and the MEPs Against Cancer (MAC) Interest Group are organising an online event on the academic development of medicines in Europe hosted by MEP Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, Co-Chair of MAC Interest Group.
Webinar: The potential for academic development of medicines in Europe
29 March 2023, 15:00-16:30 CET, Online
Registration open: 13 March 2023
Both medical and technological developments have led to the increased provision of cancer medicines on the market, making it possible for cancer patients to live longer with a better quality of life. However, currently, the only way to bring innovative therapies to patients is via a commercial route, with extremely high prices.
With this event, ECL wants to shine a light on the role that academia can play in the development and availability of innovative cell and gene therapies. ECL will also engage panellists representing EU institutions, the European Medicines Agency, health technology assessment bodies, patient representatives, and researchers in a discussion on the main bottlenecks that hinder such pathway of medicines development and how to overcome them.
A marca Intimissimi volta a apoiar a LPCC, pelo 5º ano consecutivo, no âmbito da campanha Outubro Rosa
03 de Outubro 2024Pelo quinto ano consecutivo, a marca italiana volta a apoiar esta iniciativa solidária que tem como objetivo continuar a tornar o mês de outubro mais solidário e rosa, alertando e sensibilizando para o tema do cancro da mama, particularmente para a prevenção e diagnóstico precoce.“Rir e chorar... Ler notícia -
Sever do Vouga: XXVI "Mercadinho da Liga" a 12 de outubro
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Humanização da Saúde: um Caminho Para um Sistema mais Sustentável
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Visão Saúde e Porto Canal vencem Prémio de Jornalismo da Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro
30 de Setembro 2024A Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (LPCC) acaba de anunciar os vencedores do Prémio de Jornalismo 2023 que elege os melhores trabalhos sobre oncologia publicados em língua portuguesa. A iniciativa conta com o apoio da AstraZeneca e atribui um montante global de 10 000 euros a distribuir por duas categorias: Imprensa (imprensa... Ler notícia -
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19 de Setembro 2024Esta Lei entrou em vigor a 1 de janeiro de 2022, mas até ao momento, quase 3 anos depois, ainda não foi regulamentada.A mesma Lei previa que a regulamentação fosse feita através de um Acordo Nacional celebrado entre o Estado e as “partes envolvidas” - associações representativas... Ler notícia